Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Legolized Sailor Scouts!

Here are the rest of the Sailor Scouts fully colored. And what all final Legolized Scouts could look like! If you love the lego Sailor Scouts you can get them all or your favorite on shirts or stickers and prints at my Redbubble Store >> here << Also if shirts aren't your thing you can get them on mugs, totes and pillows at my Society6 Store >> here << Thanks so much! And be sure to leave some feedback about what you think of them!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Never Grow Up...Onward 2014

Suppose this is my last fully completeld piece of work for 2013 /sob. Wendy and Peter walking in the sky a la Sophie and Howl >.< I always loved that scene and as the year is closing down I get quite sad. A lot of things have happened this year, some terrible some wonderful and I'll also be getting another year older in 2014... The story of Peter Pan has always had a special place in my heart since I was a very young child. I never had the urge to grow up. I was thankfully satisfied fully by my childhood and was well loved and cared for by my parents and I also was quite of aware of the pains they took to make sure I didn't really have to want for most things. I was aware for some reason of bills and seeing the stress on my mother's face from time to time just going through life and was grateful for the carelessness of childhood. 

I never wanted to grow up. 

I wanted to be a lost girl. 

It may be silly but I still randomly think about it, even in my 20's that are rapidly coming to an end every be a lost girl... how wondrous might that be.

Though I know I may (I'll never give up on the more ludicrous of dreams) have to continue to grow up I'm going to be the best adult I can be and wonderful artist and work hard to live my aging life to the fullest. 

Bring on 2014!


But wait there's more!

Huzzah Legolized Tuxedo Mask in all his dreamyness >.< hehe also apart of the Lego Sailor Scout Sets I hope to get made by Lego Cuusoo :D 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Last but not least

Not the last of the Sailor Moon themed lego peoples but last of the inner senshi/scouts is Sailor V! Or Sailor Venus what ever you perfer. Again I definitely think I'm getting more comfortable with the lego shapes an how they can and sort of can't move. Though looking at the animations, they seem to have adaptive bodys that can't pretty much do human/organic movements. I'm excited to start coloring them and I still have a couple more to post before I show the colored versions as well...just to complete the set so to speak :D

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lego Jupiter is a go!

Okie so here is Lego Sailor Jupiter is all her fierceness. Sure I love legos but I never drew them until this project and When I began as you can see from the from memory lego sailor moon I posted earlier this year...I was not that good at it. I didn't really understand how the legos moved. So I watched a bunch of animations on the lego website...which are HILARIOUS and if you haven't check out the Lego Marvel Series...I'm sure the targer audience is boys ages 6-14..but that show is friggin funny and so well written truly enjoyable for anyone >.> and sure it may have entertained me way more than it should but meh I've never really let go of my childhood...

Any whoooo here is Makoto aka Sailor Jupiter.